Welcome to 

The Blue Sofa Private Podcast

– An exclusive, insider podcast where I share the behind-the-scenes of how I run my multiple six-figure business from alignment, while living a soul-led life with my husband & 4 children.



Step into my sanctuary and breathing space for thoughts, reflections, and deep conversations as we uncover what it really takes to run a meaningful and successful business from alignment, while also enjoying family life.


In The Blue Sofa, I’ll share my personal journey to success on my own terms: The mindset upgrades and energetic expansions I’ve had to make on the way, and the business strategies I use to stay connected with my soul while also earning abundantly.

Private Podcast: The Blue Sofa 🛋

New episodes are released every month.

Here’s a sneak peak to what you can expect:

  • Why you get so drained around other people
  • How your empathy is a hidden super power
  • The power of your hearts desires and why you should not ignore them
  • 3 ways to unlock the codes of flow

Take a seat and get a front-row view into my business and life

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